
Kindle Unlimited

日本ファルコム社長、スマブラに参戦する機会あれば「イースのアドルを起用したい」と言及 ファルコムの“アイドル”ゆえ


RSS アニメ・ゲーム : ゲーム | まとめくすアンテナ

RSS The 3rd


Miketendo64: If Nintendo ever asked Nihon Falcom to use one of your characters in a new Super Smash Bros. game, which character would you pick?

Toshihiro Kondo: Personally, I would definitely want it to be Adol. Adol, in comparison to other characters that are part of Nihon Falcom, Adol has been the main character for many different games, he’s been around for a long time. Unlike the Trails series, where every arc of the main character changes, Adol has been a consistent presence that probably a lot of people know, and he’s a very recognizable character.


So even, for example, if you were to think about, well, if we said Trails game, would it be Van? He’s like, I don’t necessarily think Van would be a good fit for those reasons. So, personally, I would love, if asked, if Adol would be included in the game.

訳:なので例えば、トレイルズのゲームと言ったら、「ヴァンかな?」みたいな感じで、そういう理由で必ずしもヴァンがいいとは思わない。だから個人的には、もしアドルがゲームに参加するのであれば、ぜひお願いしたい。引用:MiKetendo, [Interview] Toshihiro Kondo | Bringing One of Adol’s Lost Adventures Back to Life with Ys X: Nordics, https://miketendo64.com/2024/10/16/m64-interview-toshihiro-kondo-ys-x-nordics/,2024年11月14日閲覧


Posted by nintendoevery